Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Rooftop and Chinese Paper Cutting

A few days ago we attended a paper cutting class. It was really difficult for me, but I tried my best to make it look nice. The teacher is extremely talented, and the paper she cut as a demonstration was beautiful. Before the class, we traveled up to the roof. It has a really nice view of the campus, but way up is scary.

Here's Mabel on her way up to the bell tower.

This is the bell that is on top of the faculty dorms. It's really big.

This is the view from the top.

This is my paper cutting. I tried my best, but it still looks a little weird.

 This is us with some of the students from the paper cutting class.

This is the paper cutting that the teacher demonstrated to us. It has a flower design in the middle and butterflies on the outer part of the cutting.


  1. I think your paper cutting turned out really well. The view from the bell is pretty. I'm not sure I would go up there. I'm afraid of heights.
