Monday, October 28, 2013

More Shopping in Fuzhou

Earlier today we went to a mall - or was it a plaza (?) - anyway, we went shopping with our big sisters! Normally I dislike shopping, but everything was different over there. Somehow, the clothes seemed so much cuter than at home. There were so many shops it was kind of overwhelming.

Call me weird or something, but I went crazy at the supermarket portion of the store. Not the clothing boutiques, not the shoe shops, but the supermarket! I gathered up a whole bunch of snack foods that looked interesting. Also, they sold the softest stuffed animals I've ever felt! Yep, the supermarket had it all.

Finally, I splurged and indulged myself with a cup of gourmet coffee. It came out to about 7 USD - crazy, right?! No one would ever pay that for coffee back home, but let me just say, it was awesome! Anyway, I think I needed it because I have a mountain of homework to do! I'm typing this as a short break from my long list of assignments. Next up, we're making dumplings!


  1. Nicole,
    $7 is a lot in China! This week I read an article that Starbucks in China are charging way more on a cup of regular coffee. That was a big news I read in Japanese. Did you pay $7 for a cup of Starbucks coffee or ?

  2. It wasn't Starbucks - it was a really fancy place. It was dark inside, and it looked like somewhere one would hold a business meeting. Everything was super expensive, but really good looking. I'm guessing that they don't do take-out very often since they gave our orders to us in those Coca-Cola paper cups with bendy straws. Either way, the coffee was delicious!
