Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Our First Full Day in China!

Today was really fun! We got to tour the campus and meet the students. The school is really pretty - they've got their own lake!

 The first class I visited was very enthusiastic - they were eager to speak with us in both Chinese and English. My spoken Chinese is not very good, but I sort of got by using both languages and asking for help. Hopefully by the end of the trip I'll be a competent speaker. The second class we sat in on was a quiet near the beginning, but by the end of the session everyone was asking to take pictures with us.

The last activity we did was go shopping at the store on campus. There were loads of snacks that looked really tasty. I got some wafers and chips that seem to be labeled as "fried chicken and nori" flavored. I'll try them later and report back.

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